One of the great experiences the children get by attending the school is the opportunity to get out and socialize in public.
Many of the children live in homes where they just can’t get out of the house due to their special needs.
So the children don’t learn basic social skills of interacting with other people.
This crisp winter morning on Isla we went on a field trip to Mundaca, a bit of a zoo ( minus the animals).
I was allowed to tag along as the lysh blog photo journalist.
Learning about the people of long ago who lived on isla.
Imaginations soar staring down a long dark tunnel.
It is a real adventure for the children to wander through the dense forest of Mundaca.
The experiences these children receive are foundational in their development as individuals and a lot of fun too.
Time to stop for a picnic lunch in the forest.
Learning how our ancestors lived on isla is fun and important to the cultural development of the children.
Even an opportunity to make some new friends, this guy was kinda rigid and didn’t talk much.
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